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20+ Custom Watch Faces

Custom Watch Faces

We’ve added over 20 unique watch faces that take advantage of BioMate’s complications just to get you started. So feel free to customize them to your liking and share amongst your friends.

Note: Requires BioMate version 2.0 or greater.

The Color Purple

The Color Purple was made to give quick access to BioMate by tapping on one of the corner traits. A big thank you to Jacqueline for sharing her watchface.
Traits:    physical, balance
Author: Jacqueline F.

Balance and Teamwork

This watch face adds only a few complications to track your primary traits and essential traits for the workplace
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, balance, teamwork, mastery

Chrono Fitness

This chronograph watch face displays your physical and relaxation traits allowing you to assess your fitness and mental levels before doing any timed event
Traits: physical, relaxation

Compact Chart

This watch face displays the full cycle for each primary biorhythm and BioMate's main shared trait
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, harmony

Compact Graph

This watch face has a two week graph of the primary cycles in a compact design with the harmony trait under the date
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, romance

Divine – Graphical

This watch face displays 2 weeks of your divine traits with details information as gauges at the bottom
Traits: passion, mastery, wisdom, physical

Divine & Primary

This modular watch face shows your divine traits in the center and your primary traits at the bottom in a sunflower tint
Traits: intuition, harmony, relaxation, physical, emotional, intellectual

Fitness and Strength

This watch face will let you start an activity, monitor your divine traits and cycles for personal fitness
Traits: physical, balance, intuition, harmony, relaxation, romance


Focus is a popular watch face that helps you throughout the week by monitoring your energy level and inner chi
Traits: physical, emotional, mastery, relaxation, balance

Paired – Graphical

This watch face displays 2 weeks of your paired traits with details information as gauges at the bottom
Traits: passion, mastery, wisdom, physical

Paired & Shared

This watch face displays your paired traits in the center with your mate's shared traits at the bottom in a red tint
Traits: passion, mastery, wisdom, balance, romance, teamwork

Primary – Graphical

This watch face displays 2 weeks of your primary traits with details information as gauges at the bottom
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, balance

Primary & Shared

This multicolored watch face displays your primary traits in the center with three shared traits with your mate
Traits: passion, mastery, wisdom, balance, romance, teamwork

Primary Activity

This watch face uses the Activity face with information on your primary biorhythms and the romance trait
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, romance

Primary Cycles

Charts is the most popular watch face that displays the full cycle for each primary biorhythm along with their gauges for more details
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, romance

Primary Orange

This watch face has a two week graph of the primary cycles with the harmony gauge using an orange tint
Traits: physical, emotional, intellectual, harmony

Shared – Graphical

This watch face displays 2 weeks of you and your mate's shared traits with details information as gauges at the bottom
Traits: intuition, harmony, relaxation, emotional

Simple Fitness

This is a minimalist watch face the displays your physical level and harmony with workout and heart rate start buttons to get the most out of our fitness
Traits: physical, harmony

The Mate

The three traits that are influenced by your mate are presented in the center of the screen along with your sensitivity in multi-color mode
Traits: balance, romance, teamwork, emotion

The Meditator

Use the Mediator watch face to check your level of chi along with additional complications to help you mediate
Traits: relaxation, harmony, balance

The Works

This watch face displays all 12 BioMate traits as 4 corner complications and provides more details the primary traits gauges
Traits: Contains ALL 12 traits
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